The year 2016 brought economic pain and political turmoil in Latin America — not least to Brazil, the region’s biggest economy and top M&A market. But the seas may be calming in 2017 as new administrations chart courses ahead in Argentina and Peru, and the regional economy begins to expand.
Respondents say commodity price swings will help determine the type and geography of deals, with higher prices favoring Brazil and Argentina, and lower prices favoring Mexico and Chile. Consumer, infrastructure and telecommunications are seen as hot sectors of the future.
The results suggest Chile is a country to watch going forward, with potential for growth in M&A and private equity transactions.
Meanwhile, reform in Argentina seems to be showing results.
Mexico’s fortunes are tied up in yet-to-be-resolved questions about its changing relationship with the U.S.
Respondents hotly anticipate a rise in activity among Latin America-based bidders.